Being a self-confessed bag-lover, I’ve also wanted a Louis
Vuitton bag just like other women who share the same interest as I am. But my
most wanted bag among their bags, has always been the Speedy 30. I was just so happy when I went to a bazaar where this was on
sale, and I was like, that must be for me. It’s pre-loved, but the overall look
was still okay, no torn parts. I just needed to cover it’s handle because it
was already dark brown due to sweat (acid) and probably dust. My solution was to put a twillies
on it which I’ve had it made at an alteration shop and once I wrapped its handle, I
found it even better. The perfect way to break its monotony. Curious how much I
got it? Well, I got it for only 13K, cheap enough compared to the brand-new and
the other pre-owned ones I’ve seen. It is going on its 5th year in
my care already, and I only had it’s slider leather changed, that’s it, no
major restoration yet. I consider this my wisest buy among my bags and I am so
proud about it.
Oh I am dreaming to have a Louis Vittion handbag too. What I am drooling for right now is the Berkeley Damier. Ahhh!